Each round will have one Active Player
- They’ll close their eyes (or leave the room, if IRL)
- A random word will be chosen without them knowing
- This random word generator is great and allows you to set the difficulty level for your words!
- Example: Chocolate
Team members
- Everyone secretly writes a one word clue that they think will help the Active Player guess the Mystery Word
- When everyone has their word written, the group will compare clues
- Any matching clues will be eliminated! This leaves only the unique answers
- Once the matching clues are removed, invite the Active Player back to use these clues and guess the Mystery Word.
- They’ll have one chance to guess the mystery word
The team’s clues can only be one word.
Example: If the Mystery Word was “chocolate”, you couldn’t use “Hershey Bar” as a clue. Just “Hershey” or “Bar”
Inspired by the card game Just One