Break down how you tell your story so that you can be more memorable in situations like interviews and networking conversations. Think of this as an abstract version of your “Tell me about yourself” story.

EXAMPLE: “My work focuses on mental health and how it relates to finding work you love. I'm good at connecting people, spotting patterns, and bringing ideas together, and I want to use those skills to help young queer folks explore career possibilities”

Step 1: Define Yourself

After you've come up with your list of “words” from the various activities, it’s time to come up with a sentence that sums up your work.

Step 2: Put it Together

EXAMPLE:Because I have an interest in environmental protections, I will use my ability to build community and applications to connect everyday people with small but impactful ways they can reduce their environmental footprint.”

What do I do with this now?

Your impact statement could show up in your LinkedIn About section or elements of it might exist in your cover letter. You could create a short version of this to put on your resume or a casual version to incorporate into your social media bio.